Love motivates/Harshness recoils (Part 3)

God is full of Mercy. He is tender and he is kind. He does it with his loving  care, so we are encouraged not discouraged. He points out the way to go in such a gentle way like Jesus did. How do we do that? We can start by not doing it in the judgment authoritative tone type of way. Jesus came to serve so by serving others having a relationship with them will allow us to speak into their lives. They know we have their best interests at heart ,sometimes it just means praying for the Holy Spirit to change them.

Do unto others as you would want them to do to you. Try to put yourself in their shoes. How would you want to be treated? Do you really think you can change people? I think not ! Only God can, but you can love them and ask God.

We don’t always have all the information. We make assumptions without realizing it. So ask questions. Asking questions is good .Seek to understand then to be understood . I think about the answers try to be a good listener. Sometimes getting them to talk about things out loud helps them to see what they’re doing and why and question themselves. Many times I see people ask questions which causes the person to get defensive and then later on confess and repent. Sometimes it just takes the Holy Spirit some time to work on their heart. So be willing to say something and then walk away from that conversation. But not from the person. Make sure that they know that you love them and it’s only the sin that you hate. And the best question I always ask is who’s going to benefit from me bringing this up? Me or the person that I’m helping with their sin. If I’m just doing it to make myself more comfortable…… chances are God’s trying to grow me in patience and long-suffering. So don’t run away from making yourself uncomfortable and loving people and growing yourself in these areas. Learn to give more grace God has given us so much grace that we didn’t deserve.

There are times when we have to be careful not to enable people. So have people,  you can be held accountable to them. Discuss things to make sure they line  up with the word of God. Always look to the word to be your counselor first.

The Devil comes to steal and destroy especially relationships.We have to remember that most of the time when  people  hurt us it’s not intentional. And even when it is… usually it’s because they’ve been hurt. Hurt people hurt people.

Especially if somebody does not have a personal relationship with Jesus or read the word of God everyday they’re more apt to sin. We should expect that and encourage them to have that relationship. We are compelled and motivated by the love of Christ.Love one another as Christ loved us and laid his life down for the church. He asked God to forgive them for they didn’t know what they were doing. Sometimes it’s us that don’t know what we’re doing and need forgiveness because we just don’t see our own sin. The reason being we judge ourselves on our intentions because we know our motives but we judge others simply on their actions, because we don’t understand their thought process or their heart. The Bible says man judges the outside but God judges the heart. He’s the one true judge and should be the judge not us. We should use his words rather than our own. His ways and thoughts are above ours , He sees the big picture. And everything must be done with love Without Love the Bible says, we are just a clanging cymbal, just noise.

Please remember we are all sinners. We all fall short of the glory of God. In order for God to use us to help people grow in Christ we need to humble ourselves under His hand. People are motivated by love but judgement criticizing can recoil people , I try to remember all the people that had patience with me and didn’t give up on me over the years. I’m sure there are still people that think I’m out of my mind , and see what a hot mess I am , but are loving towards me while they wait for God to work on me. Look to Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.

Dear Lord please help me and my sisters from another Mister, to be the real deal Christians. The ones who are not just making noise. The ones who like Jesus, love people where they are and encourage them to go and sin no more. Help us to examine ourselves and to be the best we can be ,because we love God for who He is and what He has already done for us. Help us father to glorify you . In Jesus name amen

3 thoughts on “Love motivates/Harshness recoils (Part 3)

    1. We all need to be more patient with one another. The condition of this world is hard on all of us Jesus said love one another as I have loved you. Then they will know my disciples by their love for one another


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